Diving Team Call Outs
It’s not uncommon for vessels to encounter obstructions that require inspection and removal. This can often mean that the vessel is forced to return to port because of the safety issues and potential for further damage.
Our dive teams have extensive experience in inspecting and removing obstacles from stricken vessels. While most obstructions are caused by debris floating on or near the surface, we’ve dealt with everything from ropes and fishing nets to tyres, sea-life and even a shopping trolley!
The vessel may be forced off-hire, with serious consequences both financially and in terms of project schedules. Additional costs such as port fees, bunkering and running costs soon mount up, so a rapid response capability is essential.
In most cases, RockSalt send a five-strong dive team utilising our mobile air dive system. The team includes three divers, a supervisor and a tender/diver. This van-based system allows for quick mobilisation to harbours of all sizes all over the UK. Once on site the dive team conduct necessary pre-dive operations, including risk assessment and client briefing prior to entering the water. Diving operations include inspection, video surveys and, where possible, the removal and recovery of obstructions to the surface.
The most common challenges are related to tidal conditions affecting diving windows and visibility as well as vessel schedules. RockSalt have experience from working in a variety of harbours and with a wide ranging client base ranging from offshore heavy lift vessels through to coastal fishing boats.
We respond to Diving team call outs 24/7, ensuring optimal response times and minimal operational downtime to support the owner in returning the vessel back to safe operations in an efficient manner. With an experienced team of divers, working to IMCA guidelines, RockSalt is a safe and reliable partner.